Character change and progress

My friend Młoteczka created for me player graphics which in my humble opinion is awesome! I really like it. So forget about little green mint, now there is great, mysterious and mature green character that perfectly fits into game world. Thank you Młoteczka for that. Check out the art bellow( it is print-screened from game ) and compare with the old one.

And what about game?

Development, Development, Development.

I have full hands of work with Grimind. But hopefully there is progress, I planned everything carefully and I really believe that I will finish the game before next year. For now I have done 5 levels, not much you say? Yeah, maybe… but I really want to polish every detail in game, that’s stronger than me. And I am not talking here about polishing only graphics but especially game play. Every level has his own story, non-repeating game mechanics and puzzles . Now I think about some speeding up work and I came up with new system. I decided to create one level every week, so:

1 level = 1 week
15 levels(planned) – 5 levels(done) = 10 weeks + C
C = constant of delay

Except the game, I plan to create first game trailer soon


main character of GRIMIND

Finally, I started to develop game named “GRIMIND” – physics based platformer,  more about game itself you can read on dedicated page.  Since this time I am actually focused on building the game,  so levels, scenario, puzzles, valid sounds. Previously I was mostly extending possibilities of my engine “Szamanegnine”  and world editor, now these things are quite in working order and there is no more serious bugs (I hope).

During creation GRIMIND I spotted that this whole thing which is game design it’s not like programing which i was used to. Maybe this is quite obvious but for me It was new experience. Whole thing is based on tools and requires some fantasy in thinking (especially in designing puzzles). Now it’s time to think what playable value my engine has, what will gamers like to see. Turning engine features into game mechanics that’s the deal.



Currently I’m creating first level. So, stay tuned – playable early alpha demo of GRIMIND is coming!