Steam release, game update and Bitcoin

Great news. Grimind is now available on Steam (Windows, Mac, Linux) and it comes with significant updates:

1. Player dynamics changed – I think that is the most important change. now it’s easier to move the character because it has reduced inertia.

2. Xbox 360 controller support – the game can be played with Xbox gamepad. Unfortunately I managed to implement this feature only on Windows.

3. Rebindable keyboard keys – this potentially was an issue for non qwerty keyboard users. Of course they could always play with arrow keys, but I can imagine that could be uncomfortable. Now it’s fixed.

4. Puzzles are now slightly changed to be more intuitive.

5. Steam achievements added.

I also added possibility to purchase Grimind with Bitcoin. I will see if this is worthwhile, now I’m processing all Bitcoin payments manually. If you know better ways to accept bitcoins or automate it somehow, let me know. Check it out on

Grimind is in beta now!

My game Grimind is now in beta stage and it’s available to all people who did preorder. Of course you can still do preorder and get instant access to beta version on the official website On this occasion I created new scary teaser trailer (watch in HD):


Finally Grimind development comes to the end. I finished all 15 chapters added 15 secret places (each level consist one). Finding all secrets unlocks alternate way to end the game 🙂 This could be also great option to integrate steam achievements if the game gets into Steam (I really want that!)

I also went to Fastspring as payment processor. I’m very satisfied with their features like instant download after payment, accepting credit cards, free payouts, custom outlook of store etc.


main character of GRIMIND

Finally, I started to develop game named “GRIMIND” – physics based platformer,  more about game itself you can read on dedicated page.  Since this time I am actually focused on building the game,  so levels, scenario, puzzles, valid sounds. Previously I was mostly extending possibilities of my engine “Szamanegnine”  and world editor, now these things are quite in working order and there is no more serious bugs (I hope).

During creation GRIMIND I spotted that this whole thing which is game design it’s not like programing which i was used to. Maybe this is quite obvious but for me It was new experience. Whole thing is based on tools and requires some fantasy in thinking (especially in designing puzzles). Now it’s time to think what playable value my engine has, what will gamers like to see. Turning engine features into game mechanics that’s the deal.



Currently I’m creating first level. So, stay tuned – playable early alpha demo of GRIMIND is coming!



hello world

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.