Steam release, game update and Bitcoin

Great news. Grimind is now available on Steam (Windows, Mac, Linux) and it comes with significant updates:

1. Player dynamics changed – I think that is the most important change. now it’s easier to move the character because it has reduced inertia.

2. Xbox 360 controller support – the game can be played with Xbox gamepad. Unfortunately I managed to implement this feature only on Windows.

3. Rebindable keyboard keys – this potentially was an issue for non qwerty keyboard users. Of course they could always play with arrow keys, but I can imagine that could be uncomfortable. Now it’s fixed.

4. Puzzles are now slightly changed to be more intuitive.

5. Steam achievements added.

I also added possibility to purchase Grimind with Bitcoin. I will see if this is worthwhile, now I’m processing all Bitcoin payments manually. If you know better ways to accept bitcoins or automate it somehow, let me know. Check it out on

Working on Linux and Mac port

Hi there,

Currently I’m trying to create Grimind builds for Linux and Mac and it’s nightmare.


Basically, I moved my code form Visual C++ to Eclipse under Linux and most of my code worked correctly right away.  It’s because I used cross platform libraries like: GLFW, SDL,  SDL_mixer, OpenGL – that’s cool. But when I run Grimind for first time it looked ridiculous. Particles were spawning only at one place and there was many graphical glitches.  This is why it happened:

  • On windows I used to use abs(…) function for float numbers and it worked correctly so abs(-1.2f) was changed into 1.2f so it worked for floats. On Linux there is no abs function for floats, so the same code on Linux produced bad return value. In this case -1.2f was converted first into integer value -1 and then the return value was 1 not 1.2f. The solution to that problem was to replace all abs functions to fabs 
  • I was mixing two values RAND_MAX and 32767 which on windows these was the same.  On Linux RAND_MAX is 2147483647 so it is much larger number than 32767. In addition I was dividing random number from range 0..32767 by RAND_MAX. On windows this was correct and division result was from 0 to 1 that’s OK but on Linux this range was from 0 to 0.00001525832 not 1 and that’s why particles was spawning just in small area

I was able to create 32 bit build and it’s working but I still can’t make 64 bit to work correctly everywhere (it’s working for me)


I used xcode 4.6 to create build and it’s working fine but I cant set deployment target to 10.6 (Snow Leopard) because I use c++11 features in my code. That could mean that I will be able to create Grimind Mac build only for 10.7 and later (Lion and Mountain Lion) but I will look at this once again.

Grimind is in beta now!

My game Grimind is now in beta stage and it’s available to all people who did preorder. Of course you can still do preorder and get instant access to beta version on the official website On this occasion I created new scary teaser trailer (watch in HD):


Finally Grimind development comes to the end. I finished all 15 chapters added 15 secret places (each level consist one). Finding all secrets unlocks alternate way to end the game 🙂 This could be also great option to integrate steam achievements if the game gets into Steam (I really want that!)

I also went to Fastspring as payment processor. I’m very satisfied with their features like instant download after payment, accepting credit cards, free payouts, custom outlook of store etc.

Official Grimind Demo & Preorder + Bonuses

Long time since last post. Here are the Grimind news:


I have 12 levels done. There is only 3 more to make. That means I need 3 weeks to complete whole game ( 1 lvl = one week rule) . But unfortunately I need to do some beta tests after that to check if everything works. So, game will be completely ready and polished approximately in the middle of December.


You can download Grimind demo for PC (possible Mac, Linux  bit later) from official website:

Demo contains first 2 out of 15 chapters.


I started to take Grimind preorders. You can get your own  for 10$.

Moreover, if you would like to influence on the project then I created some more preorder options (something like my own Kickstarter):

  • name inside the game (optionally with hyperlink to tweeter, blog etc.)
  • monster named with your name (+ previous one)
  • your own secret room  (+ previous ones)

For more information see

Grimind gameplay trailer

I created official website for Grimind

And the first gameplay trailer is ready, after some troubles with uploading on youtube

Basicly, I spend whole day on struggling with youtube video quality. Every time I uploaded my trailer to youtube, there were unacceptable glitches in the video. Of course on my computer the video looks fine, there was only problem when I uploaded it to youtube. I tried sending different extensions ( .wmv , .mp4 ) , with different frame-rates, bitrates and resolutions – they were ALL corrupted! Finally after some research, I found the solution. The problem was not in my output video but with process of sending it.  I have quite poor internet connection and while uploading video some packets were lost.

This is the link witch I used for uploading videos with glitches:

and this is the link that sends videos very well

See the difference? The second one is ssl youtube uploader which is reliable and it sends acknowledgment for every packet. By the way, I don’t know why youtube doesn’t use ssl uploader by default.

Here is glitched trailer if you want to see

Character change and progress

My friend Młoteczka created for me player graphics which in my humble opinion is awesome! I really like it. So forget about little green mint, now there is great, mysterious and mature green character that perfectly fits into game world. Thank you Młoteczka for that. Check out the art bellow( it is print-screened from game ) and compare with the old one.

And what about game?

Development, Development, Development.

I have full hands of work with Grimind. But hopefully there is progress, I planned everything carefully and I really believe that I will finish the game before next year. For now I have done 5 levels, not much you say? Yeah, maybe… but I really want to polish every detail in game, that’s stronger than me. And I am not talking here about polishing only graphics but especially game play. Every level has his own story, non-repeating game mechanics and puzzles . Now I think about some speeding up work and I came up with new system. I decided to create one level every week, so:

1 level = 1 week
15 levels(planned) – 5 levels(done) = 10 weeks + C
C = constant of delay

Except the game, I plan to create first game trailer soon

upgraded logo and GRIMIND alpha v0.3 release


My friend Marcin Dragan updated logo for me, previous one (letter “M”) was too similar to monster energy drink (link lol). Actual one is perfect for me, thank you Marcin. And it’s final logo ( I don’t care about similarity anymore)

Also the game itself got update. Version 0.3 contains the same level as before. But there are few changes, mostly added because of your feedback(thanks a lot):

  • added possibility to pause game, return to menu etc.
  • now player can die/drown if he’s too long under water
  • reduced heaviness of the player, so he’s now easier to control
  • when player stays too long in shadows or dark area, then he starts to be scared. You can feel his heartbeat and disturbed breathing
  • annoying cut scene is shown only once
  • fixed grammar mistakes


And one more thing: I plan to complete whole game to the end of this year, so it could be possible to play GRIMIND during New Year’s Eve party (link related)

GRIMIND logo and game playtest

Yeah, as you noticed above GRIMIND now has it own logo which is designed and drawn by my friend Marcin Dragan. thank you Marcin, I like it very much. It fits well into game theme =dark | scary | horror like.

Since the last post ie. form GRIMIND alpha release, I got huge feedback from people. Not only from my close friends and academic community, but also from people I don’t know personally. That’s good, I like it. The most noteworthy is the video created by the user Pandara from He’s hardcore tester, I really enjoyed watching his video review. Generally, many people gave me lots of helpful tips (I am waiting for more) that will take into account when creating the next levels of GRIMIND. Here is the Pandara’s play-test:

GRIMIND release v0.2 – fixed launch bugs

I had some troubles with deploying my GRIMIND setup. Here is link to upgraded (hopefully no more bugs) version:

download upgraded GRIMIND v0.2

The freshest version of Grimind is available on 

There was actually two problems:

First. The game wasn’t running at all on some computers that have had graphics card with OpenGL support less than version 2.0. This was a failing from my side because I forgot to delete some lines from source code which I put some time ago when I was playing with GLSL shaders. Only OpenGL 2.0 and higher supports basic GLSL

Second bug was not my fault. Some group of people which uses Windows 7 was saying that game has a bug and crashes when they change something in game menu or at the beginning of play. On the other hand there was  group of people who have no error occurred (naturally also Windows 7 users). To solve problem and force game to run correctly they have to set program compatibility with Windows XP service pack 3 (operating system which I’m developing on) or run it with administrator rights. I was very confused about this. How is that? some people have bug, some not, and operating system is the same. Cause of the problem was Windows 7 itself and its data protection. I read that Windows 7 doesn’t allow to modify files on partition where operating system is located ( most cases “c:” drive). So now I know, that the people who said that game is broken have installed it on drive “C”. Finally, I solved this issue by forcing application to be run with administrator rights. Fortunately, Visual Studio has such possibility included, and enabling this feature is pretty simple:

Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Manifest File -> set UAC Execution Level to requireAdministrator

That’s all, now after building project our executable file will by always forced to run as administrator

To sum up, the new version contains following changes:

  • now game runs with OpenGL support less than version 2.0
  • solved issues with runtime errors on win7
  • removed light border on screens that have display ratio different than 16:10
  • simplified game part when the “…” – that was actually to hard as for first level 🙂
  • game resolution can be changed without game restart